With four fresh issues, UpBeat Daily is the best news source at NAMM. So why not send us your company’s press and expand your reach?

Getting Your Products in UpBeat Daily is EASY! Here’s How:
• You must be exhibiting at NAMM to have press published in UpBeat Daily.
• Send press releases to
• Deadline for Winter NAMM press submissions Dec. 1.
• NOTE: Remember! We accept releases up to and even at the show, but your chances of getting them published decrease dramatically after that Dec. 1 deadline.
• Submit copy in basic word processing formats.
• Include high resolution product images like JPEGs or TIFFs whenever possible, 300 dpi.
email to ensure that we received your press releases.

Q: Do I have to advertise to get press into UpBeat Daily?

A: No. We work hard to create an even playing field for NAMM exhibitors. Our priorities are: 1) Big news rules. 2) Take care of our advertisers. After publishing the top news of the day, we will make sure our advertising clients are covered in the magazines. 3) Include as many other companies in the Dailies as possible. We know that tomorrow’s big companies start from humble beginnings. Our goal is to expose retail buyers to as many new products and companies as possible.

Q: If I miss the editorial deadline, can I still get my press into UpBeat?
A: We will do our best,
but with each passing day after the deadline, the odds of being covered dwindle. Our advice is to submit product releases as they become ready, instead of preparing everything and sending it in one package. That strategy makes it easier for us to deal with a few last-minute releases. Also, send us a priority list of everything you are sending and your wish list for how they run. We can’t guarantee placement, but that will help us prioritize where to place each product!

For more information or to submit some press contact:
Email Katie Kailus and Frank Alkyer

Ads Close: December 8
Material Due: December 27

East of the Mississippi & International, contact:
Kevin R. Maher at (630) 359-9363 or email, click here.

West of the Mississippi, Illinois, Wisconsin & International, contact:
Chris Maher at (630) 359-9342 or email, click here.